Our Work
Eight case studies
Over the last 25 years, we have, obviously, worked for many clients across a wide variety of industries. As we want to entice you, boring you with an oversized portfolio would (probably) defeat the purpose. Which is why we have limited ourselves to eight case studies. Every single one is different enough to demonstrate our grasp of many specific contexts – and the diversity of our expertise.

And, for the sake of name-dropping, we still have a dedicated page with a complete client list
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Building products and thermal insulation

A global leader in paints, stuccoes, cladding and thermal insulation systems, Sto is headquartered in Southern Germany. The company holds especially strong positions in Western and Central Europe, North America and China. In France, Sto is the market leader in the ETICS segment (Exterior Thermal Insulation Composite Systems).

Traditional restaurants & Alsatian ‘Winstub’

Dieterle was, for a long time, the most successful restaurant group in Strasbourg, with a winning mix of exceptional locations, traditional ambience and typical, affordable Alsatian fare.

Pharmaceutical products

Novartis, a global healthcare company based in Basle, Switzerland, is one of the giants in the industry, with an annual revenue in excess of 50 billion US $. The company has research centers and production facilities all over the world.

High-end office & contract furniture

Wilkhahn is based in Lower-Saxony, in Northern Germany. The company develops, designs and manufactures innovative, iconic products to the highest standards. They  have a worldwide following of  interior designers, office planners and famous architects.

Vegan grooming products for pets

Spina Organics was founded in Los Angeles in 2017 by Mauro Spina, a hair stylist to the A-list – and a passionate dog lover. Being tired of looking in vain for all-natural, vegan shampoos and conditioners for pets, he made a radical decision. Drawing on his extensive capillary experience with demanding bipeds, he launched his own.

Acoustic walls and ceilings

Wilhelmi (now Lahnau Akustik) is an internationally active specialist for acoustic solutions that combine performance, safety and aesthetics. The company’s products can be found, among others, in some of the most famous concert halls and opera houses. 

Dairy products

The Lactalis Group is the second largest manufacturer of dairy products in the world. In France, its various brands —Salakis, Roquefort Société, Nicolait, Claudel and many more—are household names. The most famous, ‘Président’, has gone global a while ago: you can meet a ‘Président’ just as easily in an American supermarket aisle as in a delicatessen in Moldova.

Trade organization

The Mur Manteau is a French trade organization in the building sector. It was founded over 20 years ago to promote modern, effective and sustainable building insulation concepts. All major contenders are members, be they local specialists or multinational companies with a strong presence in France.

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