No need to panic,
it does not hurt

Wärmedämmverbundsysteme are technically complex, and the French term ‘Isolation Thermique par l’Extérieur’ sounds only fractionally less daunting. But we are hard to scare, and the client was confident.

As is often the case, we started with a small project—a brochure with just eight pages. The client’s confidence grew, and then kept growing, project after project, until we came to handle all advertising, print and P.O.P. materials for the French subsidiary, one of the Group’s most successful.

From a life-size emperor penguin for the retail locations to a 200 page planning binder for architects to the relaunch of the internal newsletter, we have done it all—keeping the balance between stringently German branding guidelines and the requirements of a highly idiosyncratic French market.
Brochures for trade partners,
painting contractors and specifiers
All printing materials are custom-designed for the French market, while in line (with a few tweaks…) with the parent company’s stringent Corporate Identity.

Corporate brochure for specifiers, key account contractors and architects
The clear, streamlined and minimalistic design makes the most of high-impact photography. This luxurious brochure has been developed to showcase Sto’s expertise with glass-faced composite panels. They are part of a sophisticated ventilated cladding system—and available in a variety of stunning colors and finishes.

Planning and information binder for architects
Although we can hardly resist a good challenge, the Sto binder proved  extra-demanding: with a notoriously hard-to-please target group, a tight production schedule and the complex logistics involved in retrieving the raw contents in two different countries, improvisation was definitely not an option.

Promotion materials
Cold weather brings building projects to a grinding halt—unless you can resort to specially formulated paints and stuccoes. This promotion for painting contractors, heralded by an arresting P.O.P. display—a life-size cut-out of an emperor penguin— was announced by a series of ads in trade magazines.

Newsletter for painting contractors and stucco specialists
Obviously, the emphasis is on content, but with a strict adherence to the grid for a clean-cut look. Copywriting is the main challenge, as some of the source materials are in German, and the project management is, essentially, on auto-pilot—much to the client’s relief ! In addition, we have had to deal in part with off-the-cuff, sometimes decidedly suboptimal photography. Accordingly, the amount of photoshopping is substantial.

of the internal newsletter
To revive a somewhat moribund newsletter, focus groups were organized with participants from all departments within Sto. Based on the results, we redefined the layout and the style. The graphic design has been specifically optimized for easy content management by a minimally trained member of HR.

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